Hey everyone, I will be running the following promotion on the Amazon store and the Amazon UK store for Christmas:
From 12/23 5am to 12/27 11pm PST 0.99 cents on for the following:
Jan Stryvant
Valens Heritage
Mihalis - us only (due to an Amazon Promotion)
Sean (SJ)
Valens Legacy
Black Friday
Perfect Strangers
John Van Stry
Portals of Infinity
Book One: Champion for Hire
Book Two: The God Game
I will see about adding Take Two and the First Dan's Inferno books, but as they're no longer in Kindle Unlimited (too many problems with the KU people) it's a bit more involved to put them on sale.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
(and I'm still avoiding Social Media right now, so I'm sorry if I haven't been replying to any posts or pages).