Saturday, April 11, 2020

So, I'm not dead...

There's been a bunch of things going on, that I've had to deal with, from my cat dying (13 yo, cancer) to a burst pipe, broken faucet, and a bunch of other things (not including the great disease scare). So life has been busy and complicated.

I'm working on a number of things, at the same time right now, from trying to do an interim Valen's book while I decide how I want to do the follow on series, working on the next POI book, the next Veilverse book, and there was a space opera/harem thing that got sidelined that I need to come back to, (when I got the bug in February it kind of threw my writing off for a while).

I hope to start getting things out in May, but not sure when in May. Not pushing myself at the moment, but I do need to ramp back up and get rolling again.

So, again, I'm not dead, and I'm back to work.
