Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The next Valens Legacy audio book can be pre-ordered

Here's the link to pre-order the next publisher's pack for Valens' Legacy audio book:

April 9th will be for the next one (books 11 & 12)

Friday, February 15, 2019

Just a heads up

From Podium Press:
Here's your friendly heads-up that the release date for The Valens Legacy Publisher's Pack 5 (Books 9 & 10) will be March 5th. The assets were recently submitted to Audible, so the listing should be up within the next week or so.

Saturday, February 2, 2019


I haven't really taken the time to sit down and actively plot out the next several books in the series. Well this morning I finally got around to doing just that. Book 13 is about 1/3rd done currently and I really had to get more down on the next several volumes beyond just general ideas and a very rough outline.
I now have the rest of the current arc laid out. I'm not exactly sure how many books it will take however, could be four, will probably be more. I'll figure that out as I refine things.

However, once this arc is finished, the next thought is: Then what? Seriously, there's a lot of follow on potential and I'm even thinking of some new short stories. If there's interest, I may even open up an anthology for others who wish to write shorts, because the opportunity for ones that will have no effect on the main story line exists.

As always, so much to do...