Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The next audiobook will come out 9/25

Hi all, just a quick note. The next audiobook which will contain books 7 & 8 should be out on September 25th. Preorders will hopefully be available before then.

I'm driving to Texas for round two of the great move this weekend. I'm -hoping- to have Wives Tales #2 out on or around that time frame, it's in process.

Book #10 is halfway done. I'm going to try and get a lot more work done on it this week, and next week while I'm in Texas again. I'll be dealing with a lot of contractors in Texas next week as well, so I'm hoping to have most of the work done this week as I really want to get book #10 out before the end of August.

September I go to the Air Races, as always (if you go, let me know and maybe we can hook up). If you ever get the chance to go to the Races, even if for only one day, by all means check it out. It's pretty interesting. If you're into airplanes, definitely check it out at some point in your life. After the Air Races are over we'll be making the third and (hopefully!) final part of the move. It's definitely been insanely busy for the last several weeks, there has just been way too much to do and often not enough time to do it.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

May be returning to KU

While Amazon still hasn't told MSE just what he did that was so wrong, they are allowing him to sell through another publisher. It's not a hundred percent win, but it is still a win. So I'm considering taking my books off the other booksellers that I'd just put them up on, and once they're not anywhere else, signing back up for the KU program.

Monday is when I'll probably make my decision. With all the moving stuff, life's been kind of hectic.