Wednesday, May 31, 2017

What is it with some people and lying?

So, was looking at the reviews on for Shadow and one just recently popped up accusing me of not only putting a rape scene in the beginning of the book, but also claiming that I wrote that it was justified 'because the woman deserved it'.

I just have one question:  WHAT BOOK WERE YOU READING?

Because you obviously weren't reading mine. Oh, I think I know what happened, after the first 'fight scene' where Shadow is (rightfully) pissed off at the woman who set him up to be killed, it looks like he's going to do something nasty to her.

And then he doesn't. He just embarrasses the hell out of her, and leaves. He doesn't rape her, he doesn't even hit her. Because like he said, he doesn't kill women or children, etc. Oh, he does do something that isn't very nice, because he's not exactly nice, but he DOESN'T RAPE ANYONE.

So, either they didn't read the book at all, and just wrote that review to be mean, or they read a little of it and were so 'triggered' by some nasty dialogue that they had to accuse me of writing a rape scene that doesn't exist and then they ran away screaming.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Leopards and Panthers

In one of my reviews, someone seemed to be saying that leopards are not panthers.
That is simply not true. Leopards are panthers, and panthers are leopards. Some people even seem to think that panthers must be black, but then why would they call them 'black panthers', right?

Panther is a term that was originally applied to leopards that were larger, say those over two hundred pounds (yes, leopards can get rather big, though not as big as jaguars). You see, once upon a time, people thought that there were to species of African wildcat (black and spotted of course) and they called them 'Leopards' and 'Panthers'. Because there can be a large size difference in the breed, they thought that there were two distinct breeds.

This was later proven to be untrue. So black leopard = black panther. Leopard = panther.

Now you -can- distinguish leopards by where they come from (like they do with tigers). You have African leopards, Asian leopards (that's India and Asia), there are even Eurasian leopards from Eurasia. European leopards are extinct (along with European lions), you can thank the Romans for that, they pretty much hunted many of the big predators in Europe into extinction, because they needed them for the games and the extravaganza in the coliseums.

Just Hello

So, trying to set up a blog thing, in case people want to hear about what's coming up.
This is a test post, as I try to understand just how Blogger works.