Thursday, August 2, 2018

May be returning to KU

While Amazon still hasn't told MSE just what he did that was so wrong, they are allowing him to sell through another publisher. It's not a hundred percent win, but it is still a win. So I'm considering taking my books off the other booksellers that I'd just put them up on, and once they're not anywhere else, signing back up for the KU program.

Monday is when I'll probably make my decision. With all the moving stuff, life's been kind of hectic.


  1. Link to the other sellers please.

  2. Neat. Yeah, Amazon is like 80% of the ebook market. Kindle Unlimited more than makes up for any sales the other sellers might have given you.

    It's partially why Amazon is allowed to do what they do to authors. Every self-published author is Amazon's bitch, and Amazon knows it.

  3. quick question is there a certain numbers of books you plan on for the Valens Legacy series. I really like the series and hope it goes for a while.

    1. He said there were about 6 books an arc with 3 arcs planned. I can't remember exactly where this was said, probably on another post or something, but that's what I remember

    2. 3 arcs of 6 books each was the original plan.
      We'll see how well that survives real life :-)

  4. is there an eta for book 10, because i can't wait to see what shenanigans Sean and the others are up to

    1. Because I'm in the process of moving, and because of all the other stuff that's been going on, book 10 is running behind schedule. I don't want to give a date for it yet, but it will be out this month (August).

    2. Thanks and is there an estimate when the fourth publisher pack for the audio book will be out?

    3. I don't have a date on it, the folks at Podium haven't given it to me yet. I do suspect they'll give it to me soon (the date that is).

  5. BTW This has been going on for some time and has "cost" Amazon a lot of authors in KU.

    What it looks like is that somebody has been using bots to game the page reads and, in order to cover their tracks, set them to also do books in the "also read" and/or "also viewed" lists that show up in the book's Amazon page.

  6. Love your books and series I cant wait for the next one. I really hope that you go back to KU but totally understand the reluctance. I notice that Michael Chatfield pulled his books from KU also. I don't know if this is based on the same or similiar reasons that you have but thought you might want to to know. If you have the link to MSE new listing I would be very appreciative if you could provide it.

  7. First want to say I purchased book 9 in support for you I very much like your work. I was just started the portal series so was sad you left KU. I agree that no warning and no appeal from Amazon is not right. At same time I to notice Michael Chatfield had changed to and was very alarmed. I went to couple authors pages and ask there plans. The respond I read was two main points Amazon had sent notice on new rules and after a period lower the boom and also like above bots gaming the system. I hope you rejoin KU.

  8. I really hope you decide to put your books back in the KU program. As someone on a fixed income, KU is very important to me. I also hope Amazon gets its act together and quits screwing with MSE!!!

  9. Whether you go back to KU or not is obviously your choice, but as a consumer, I've learned that KU isn't going to be worth it for me. The MSE event is the third time I've had to watch KU pull authors I've liked, and sometimes they come back. Sometimes they don't. So I've decided that if I like an author's work, I'm just going to buy it. At least then it's harder for Amazon to arbitrarily decide to remove a book. I'll go back to relying on my local library (and Overdrive) to find new authors and stop paying Amazon for that.

    1. I have bought a couple of crappie books so I used KU to read first the buy it worked I now have all of Valen's Legacy and I also have all of Alpha World but MSE was booted before I could get a start on collecting his books

    2. I avoid KU for the same reason. I buy them when I can. I am just annoyed that I have Books 1-5 of J.A. Cipriano Legendary Builder series. I waited three days for my credit to reset before I bought it and they pulled the series. Now I can't get his final book in the series.

    3. I was really concerned getting out of KU would really hit your revenue stream. So glad to read that you might be moving back. I really doubt you were ever in danger of being dumped. Your product is really clean. I guess you could streamline the honorable mentions or eliminate those pages. But that's all I could come up with.

  10. Go and have another look at MSEs page. Amazingly Zon are now screwing his new Publisher over as well, the fun just never ends with these clowns. I still think you should stand well clear of KU. Just Sayin :)

  11. Don't do it John, the road to KU is paved with IEDs.


    Sadly sounds like MSE has brought on most of his own problems from what I can find out

    1. I've read all of that before. It's all BS. Page count is set by Amazon, not the author. Font size has no effect on page count. MSE wasn't stuffing, he had no reason to stuff with the amount of sales he gets and having read many of his books, I never saw any examples of stuffing. Further, Amazon never accused him of stuffing.

    2. I will agree with the no-stuffing. I read almost every book MSE had on amazon and there were times I wish he had included more descriptions of things, same with JA Cip. They are just really prolific authors (who have a tendency to start a whole bunch of series w/o finishing the previous ones, but the books are all good so...) and people are just jealous. I am getting tired of Amazon bullying authors. Hell they even bully large publishers. Baen used to sell their ebooks cheaper directly on their site but Amazon made them raise their prices to match other publishers.


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