Saturday, February 2, 2019


I haven't really taken the time to sit down and actively plot out the next several books in the series. Well this morning I finally got around to doing just that. Book 13 is about 1/3rd done currently and I really had to get more down on the next several volumes beyond just general ideas and a very rough outline.
I now have the rest of the current arc laid out. I'm not exactly sure how many books it will take however, could be four, will probably be more. I'll figure that out as I refine things.

However, once this arc is finished, the next thought is: Then what? Seriously, there's a lot of follow on potential and I'm even thinking of some new short stories. If there's interest, I may even open up an anthology for others who wish to write shorts, because the opportunity for ones that will have no effect on the main story line exists.

As always, so much to do...


  1. A good ending to your series would be well deserved, having it go on forever isn't always the best. That being said I wouldn't mind if yours did, hehe. For me I would love a adult version of Warlock, Necromancer, Dungeon Core, or Dinosaur world, transferred to another world MCs. Polygamous MCs are great to and you are one of the very few author's that do it right.
    Regardless so far i havent read anything from you that isn't at least a 4/5 so whatever you decide I am sure it will be great.

  2. What I'd like to see in your next "Wive's tales" spinoff would be the discussion between Jolene's family and Sean as well as Cali's family and Sean in prep for the wedding. I'm curious how those conversations went.

    1. This. Please this. The Jolene family ordeal could be a novella on it's own and a great one at that.

    2. Both of you, please remind me in about 5-6 months, and I'll give it some serious consideration. Right now I don't know if I have the time to get it on the schedule.

    3. Think this is a GREAT idea. Please count on me to remind you as well. Thank you, Mr. Author, for this wonderful world you've created, and to your fans that add so much to it.

  3. If you can come up with another good story arc I'd be all for it. As long as you leave it in the final book of this arc in a good place to either stop or continue without any major unresolved story threads in case you decide not to continue. Although with the demon dimension you opened up alternate dimensions so the sky is the limit! I can always go with more of these characters and their continuing growth as both a nation/company/pack? and a family. It just shouldn't dribble out and stop like some series do that run out of ideas without a clean conclusion. That does retroactively ruin the series for some people and they won't recommend people to start a long series without at least one proper conclusion.

    1. I hear ya. I don't care much for series that dribble out or don't wrap things up either. This series has always had a defined end to it.
      But it also has the option for a follow on series with 'new' characters, though the old ones would still be around and would occasionally show up.

      The only thing is that occasionally I do need to write some other stuff because it helps me from getting boxed in. Or at least feeling that way.

  4. I love this series. It was the one that got me hooked on harem lit genre. But as much as I would be happy to keep reading new Valens books for years to come, I also would be excited to see you revisit some of your old stories that are still left open, like Portals or The Hammer Commission.

    1. I fully intend to keep writing POI (Portals), right now Valens has just kind of taken over my time. I'm hoping to have another Portals book out by the end of March. I just have a few commitments first (like finishing #13, and figuring out what I'm doing for Veils).

      The Hammer Commission (HC) I'm not really sure about what I'm going to do there. I lost my notes for the follow on, so I have to dig that all up out of memory again (or find the notes). Loose Ends pretty much bombed, sadly. So if I write the next one in the series, I'm pretty much writing it for myself at this point. Then again, that was how Wolf Killer came about and I was pretty surprised at how well that sold.

    2. I hate that Loose Ends wasn't commercially successful. I thought the whole series was great. But I've enjoyed all your books so far, so I will be happy to read whatever you end up working on next.

  5. Would love to see more of both Valens and POI! I think one of my favorite parts of POI is the visits in on the second generation. Would love to check in on Sean and the wives as they raise the kids.

  6. Honestly wouldn't mind some more superhero stuff like Shadow and some more exploration of that world.

  7. Stryvant,
    I truly love your Valens series, and i am incredibly grateful to you for opening ip a whole new world of literature to me. I had previously lost the will to read, as i had not found a good book in a very long while. I started reading Black Friday, and i was amazed at how much i enjoyed it. I have been reading since book 3 now, and i have purchased every book in the series to date, even though i have KU. You brought my love of reading back to me and i will always be truly grateful for that, as it has returned much joy to my life.

    Sincerely, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a fantastic person, and my favorite author. Please, never stop writing.

  8. You might want to do a crossover with the Valens' universe and the Portals of Infinity Universe if you don't think that's too obvious.

    I would like to see how two lion shifters would react to each other and their families. ;D


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