Thursday, January 31, 2019

Audio version of the first Wives Tales book is now up - Free!

The first of the Wives’ Tales is live on AudFans - you can stream without a login but if you want to download then you will need to make a signin.  The next Wives’ Tales will go up Feb 28

Here's the link: Wilves Tales #1


  1. WoOOottT! I have been bugging the publisher for a while singing praises and begging for more. Hoping they get the hint and get in great, honestly I think they ignite me but maybe not haha I'm a narcissist I suppose but woot in am so jazzed!

  2. Woot so jazzed, been bugging the publisher I think they ignore me but well it's not to far out so I am so getting it day one!


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