Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Wow, would you look at this...

For all of those who gig me for selling my books at $3.99


That book is only FORTY-TWO pages long, it's FOURTEEN dollars, and it's a BEST-SELLER!!!


And it's number twenty-seven in the series!!

(Gets down on knees and starts bowing, arms out - 'We're not worthy! We're not worthy!')

I wonder how many solid gold Rolls-Royce's she owns? :-D


  1. Must be some REALLY good koolaid.

  2. Haha, that's sick. The complaints is probably from people who don't have access to the KU program. I know it annoys me when i spend 3 times as much in a week as the KU costs for a month and all the books are on it.
    Damn USA get the books far far cheaper than the rest of us :) which is also why people pirate so much, lack of availability.

    1. I subscribe to KU, but only to sample new authors. Ones I really like, I purchase the books individually so I'll a) always have a copy, and b) actually be able to remember which books I've read because there is a record. As for the $3.99 point, that is close to my limit for an ebook and yes, I'd prefer they were cheaper. If a paperback is $5.99, I feel there has to be more than $2.00 worth of paper and ink and printer time involved.

  3. Lol but she only ranks in the 5000 for amazon sales

  4. Wait, what? People get on your case for pricing at $3.99? That seems like a perfectly reasonable rate for an ebook purchase to me.

  5. Does anyone know when micheal scot t earle is coming back?

  6. I think the 42 is an error, as the top review (currently) mentions: "On page 194" and "On page 277"

  7. Valens Legacy is only at 12. Gots a ways to John. Here's hoping you keep it up!

    1. You keep buying them, I'll keep writing them :-)
      Though I am gonna take a break after 13 comes out next month. But it shouldn't be too long, maybe a month off to write another Portals of Infinity, along with that VeilVerse book in Blaise and William's world.

    2. Boooyah! Seven Worlds stories, here we come.
      Keep writing and I'll buy your stories. Well until you lose your mojo anyway.

    3. Glad to hear about a VeilVerse book from you can't wait.

  8. The book is actually 320 pages long. Not sure why the Kindle version says it is only 42 pages. Still a bit steep though.

  9. You keep writing good books; I'll keep buying them. I feel no problem buying a book I read on Kindle Unlimited that I like. I may never go back and read it again, but throwing extra support to good authors can only benefit me with more good books.

  10. Ill pay $14 or more for a new release hardback, or $7-$8 for a paperback because its reasonable. Theres actual cost in printing those books and shipping a physical copy to a store or direct to the customer so the price reflects it. When publishers or authors ask for those prices in an ebook though, it just feels like gouging to me since there is no cost in it after the process of formatting and such. I cant quote numbers or where I saw the information, but I recall reading somewhere that the profit margin in a cheap ebook is actually comparable or better than a normally priced paperback or hardback. Really, the high end for an ebook should be at about the same as a paperback, $7-$8, as long as the word count(not the page count, that can be padded out easily) is high enough.


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