Saturday, April 11, 2020

So, I'm not dead...

There's been a bunch of things going on, that I've had to deal with, from my cat dying (13 yo, cancer) to a burst pipe, broken faucet, and a bunch of other things (not including the great disease scare). So life has been busy and complicated.

I'm working on a number of things, at the same time right now, from trying to do an interim Valen's book while I decide how I want to do the follow on series, working on the next POI book, the next Veilverse book, and there was a space opera/harem thing that got sidelined that I need to come back to, (when I got the bug in February it kind of threw my writing off for a while).

I hope to start getting things out in May, but not sure when in May. Not pushing myself at the moment, but I do need to ramp back up and get rolling again.

So, again, I'm not dead, and I'm back to work.



  1. I appreciate the update. Helps me plan my buying habits ahead of time lol

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hopefully you'll see the response. I'm hoping to start putting out new stories this month. I haven't a date for follow on Valens Legacy works yet however.


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