That's right! It funded yesterday on Christmas - a nice touch to be honest.
As of this post, it's got 40 minutes left and is almost $1000 past the goal.
So I need to finish Wolfhounds 5 ASAP (almost done)
Write POI #12
Then Dan's Inferno V
Then the second book in the Wolfhounds Spin-Off trilogy (Valley of Fire)
THEN write the first book in the Wolfhounds follow on series.
Oh, and I think I need to sleep in there somewhere - and write the sequel to Sometimes in the Fall.
So glad to be part of this kickstarter. Made a difference and now no one to stop showcasing the girls as they should be. Hell see Dan in his croc form would be nice for the final book send off.
ReplyDeleteI just like the girls designs, okay? They unique. hehe
For the red shirt do you want full name or just first name?
ReplyDeleteHowever you want it to appear
ReplyDeleteReally looking forward to this. I loved this series.