Thursday, January 11, 2018

A really great book, if you haven't read it already.

I just started reading 'Lion's Quest: Undefeated' by Michael-Scott Earle. Wow, this is an amazing book. I'm about 2/3rds through it. If you haven't read it, I'd say to give it a look.

Lion's Quest: Undefeated

I honestly don't get to read enough, too busy working. There's a bunch of books I need to finish, along with book 2 in 'Super Sales on Super Heroes' which so far has also been a lot of fun. There really are a lot of good books out there these days.


  1. Super sale on super heroes is great! By the same author under different name is "Wild Wastes". Erotic scenes but still really great characters. Will give Lion's Quest a shot.

    1. Yeah, William and I talk a fair bit he's a great guy and I've read most of his stuff (including Wild Wastes). Part of why I had a recommendation for his Super Sales on Super Heroes in the back of book #4 (what, you didn't read all of the afterword! I'm shocked I tell you! ;-) )

      I've talked a few times with Michael-Scott and to be honest I'm kinda shocked that Lion's Quest wasn't a blockbuster. I'm really loving it. Then again, maybe I've played too much WOW and FF11 :-P

    2. I'm not a gamer myself (I'm pretty much old school with orig. Nintendo and Playstation1), but I understand that what you're referring to! : )

      That being said, I'm still reading Super Sales on Super Heroes2, and like your books, I think William's are great and can't wait for the third issues of both his books (Wild Wastes3 included)!

      Hopefully, by the time I'm done your latest work will be out in my favorite paperback format! ; )

  2. I have read some Michael-Scott, he is a hit or miss author for me. I loved Tamer and Star Justice series but could not get into the supernatural high or superstar series. So was reluctant to try Lion's Quest.

  3. i have read his tamer series, rock-star romance and hell high. I absolutely recommend the Tamer series

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