Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Second set of Wives Tales Audible books are up.

The second set of 'Wives Tales' are now out on Audible. Don't use credits to buy it, because it's only $1.72. (Though for some reason it tells me 2.45 - everyone else is seeing a 1.72)
Here's the link:


  1. I'm seeing them priced at $2.45 on Audible.com, and can't find them at all on audible.co.uk - are they supposed to be there?

    Are these the same recordings as the free trials that you offered a while ago? I downloaded all three of those, but these two seem to run just over four hours, whereas those three total about 3.25 hours between them.

    1. If you're not a member, they cost more, apparently. And there are more stories in this one, there's one for Estrella and one about what happened to Dolitt's son and a third about what happened in Brussels.


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