Thursday, July 23, 2020

What's Going On?

I've begun to emerge from the funk that my life has been in for the last five or so months. A lot happened since the end of last year, I finished a series (Valens Legacy) that had consumed two and a half years of my life (And it's really not done, there's a possibility of a series being bandied about in Hollywood). The lawsuit got very heated and hectic and expensive during that time. It's actually now finally over after like the 6th of this month (that's when the ability for the other side to enter an appeal expired).
Then there was my mother's failing health and eventual passing. Which makes my cat getting cancer and dying the month before seem like a minor deal (even if it wasn't to me). A few other minor legal issues that I've been putting off dealing with, the need to take a vacation, a -real- vacation, but not being able to because of the current state of affairs (and also having my once a year vacation canceled and losing a lot of money on airfare when it was).

So yeah, been a few rough spots there. Thank the good lord that those are all in the past.

Going forward, I am working on a plan to get ALL of the Portals of Infinity series (under my name: John Van Stry) recorded under one artist (or perhaps a man/woman team). This won't be cheap, because it's over 70 hours long at this point (it'll probably cost around thirty grand). I need to write an addition 30K words or so to make this happen, for legal reasons.

You see, I want to combine books 1 & 2 and books 3 & 4 into two recordings instead of the current four, because they each run about 5-6 hours in length. Back when I created those audiobooks, short books were okay, Audible didn't discriminate against books under 10 hours. However now they do, they've changed the way the market works completely. But I can't just put them together because the people at ACX are assholes. And I have to go through ACX. Also their contracts are 7 years long and they do tend to play fast and loose with the contract terms. (Note above 'need to hire a lawyer' comment).

Another reason to re-record the older books is that first I'd be on the third VA (Voice Artist) for the series, and that's just not fair to the listeners. Second, I want to increase the quality of all the recordings. Some are not apparently up to the level they should be. I realize that I'll probably not make back the money on the first four books when I redo those. I may make back the money on the fifth one. The rest, as they've never been recorded I expect to make the money back on.

Portals of Infinity was the first series I ever turned into an audiobook, and it was still a new frontier when I did it. The rules have changed drastically since then and costs have gone up a lot while royalties have dropped significantly. However I've learned a lot in the process so I'm hopeful that going forward things will improve.

On the story front I actually have several things I'm working on, and there's a bit of juggling going on. I have to do the 30K words mentioned above. I have a new series under my pen name (Jan Stryvant) in the offing. Results of that will probably be seen in September. I have a sequel to Take Two that's being worked on, though it's been pushed to spot 'b' in my queue now. There's also a space opera thing I've been messing with for a while now. I'm debating a rewrite on it, but I need to think about that. It'd be under my name and not the pen name. At least I think it will. There's a bunch of shorts I need to write as well, for a number of different things.

I don't know if I'll be able to get these on a schedule. I used to work like that but I developed some bad habits in the last year. We'll see if I can get back to that.

Oh, and as long as POI Consequences does well, there will be a book #10.

So yes, a lot of work. 

Thanks to all of your for being fans.


  1. U could try a kickstarter for the audio books like Jamie hawke and JA ciapriano did ...

  2. -Agree with anonymous about finding a way to mitigate the expense for the audio books. If you decide to go this route, I would suggest you look at what they gave out for tiers and make similar ones if you are happy with them.

    Also hope you are doing better, health (and mental health considering the deaths in the family) wise. Good luck and look forward to reading more books :)

  3. If you have some time at some point I would love to see a post about how audible works for you both legally and financially. I would for example be super curious how royalties compare between doing the recording yourself and having someone do it for you. I mean, totally understand if you don't feel like writing about that stuff, but just had to express interest 😇😇😇 .

    Anyway, hope you can figure out a way to take some time off despite everything that's going on in the world and your life. This year is already bad enough for all of us, and for you it sounds even far worse, so take care!

    1. Audible's terms are there on ACX (which is who you must do business with) for all to read.
      It's a 7 year contract. %20 royalties if you're not exclusive, %40 if you are.
      They set the price of your book, and it changes randomly, you have no control. They may even give it away for free. So you make around $2 per audiobook sale. The get more of course, but also, they have almost 0 overhead.

      Cost to make an audiobook is around $300 to $400 an hour (there are narrators who charge more). Books under 11~12 hours don't really sell, because Audible doesn't like them - they've set their store up in such a manner that no one will buy a book under 11~12 hours - this was done intentionally.

      So if I have a 12 hour book, it costs me $3600 to $4800 to produce it (Plus cover art). Which means I have to sell about 1800 to 2400 copies JUST to break even. If an audiobook doesn't make enough money to pay for the next one, plus a decent profit (say at least 5000 ~ 8000 sales) it's not worth it to me to make them.
      This is why I will most likely leave Audible and go somewhere where I can make $10 per copy, so I can cover my costs with less than 500 sales.

    2. You might consider looking into using Kickstarter to raise at least some of your costs in advance. I know that Michael-scott earl and J A Cipriano are now doing that then putting their audio books up on Bandcamp. I for one would be happy to contribute money if I saw any one of your books there.

    3. I don't believe that the POI series has enough fans/supporters for that to work.

    4. Perhaps not for POI. But for any new projects it might be worth it. I am a fan of many of your works. I particularly enjoyed Shadow. The character Shadow is one of my favorites becouse he is so grounded to reality. I myself would love to see another series with a similarly strong central character. I thank you for bringing books like Shadow and The Valen's Legacy to life. And no matter how long I have to wait I look forward to reading any of your future books.

  4. Funny POI is my favorite of all the books, I enjoyed The Valens books but not as muck as POI


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