Thursday, November 19, 2020

This is why I'm getting out of audiobooks


  1. I don't blame you. Seems like they're trying to basically operate in a way that allows them to not pay the author for return books and then have members thinking they're supporting their authors by listening to the books. Most people are going to sit there and think that there supporting their authors answer using the membership and also getting a good deal I remember ship the same way that they do on Kindle unlimited.

  2. Hello please don't making audio books. Book funnel offers a way to sell audiobooks. You might have to create a website.

  3. This sucks i am audiobook only kinda person. I would hate to see you no longer have any of your great books in audio.

    There a few alternative sites that sell direct. maybe move to one of those. like bandcamp or direct on your website. :)

    1. I am also an audio book preference. I found that I could use the text to speech function on text books to do the same. Unfortunatly it is a little robotic voice. Also I had to buy a kindle fire to get the function. The kindle app does not support it.

  4. The part I just can't wrap my head around is the huge cut they take without taking any risk. I mean, the only reason competitors can't easily outcompete them is the exclusivity agreement... which we really should make illegal 😞😞😞 . Good luck making it all work for you!


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