Thursday, July 29, 2021

According to Amazon Ads, THIS is PORN!!

 That's right!! This picture is porn.

So, want to buy my porno? Seeing as I CAN'T advertise it on Amazon?


  1. is not porn. Amazon AI algorithms doesn't make mistakes like that. An almost see thru tube top on a girl...or even an opaque top with the nipples clearly defined. Maybe that could fuck with an algorithm...
    But that cover with a soldier on a wall? No...Someone at Amazon is trying to take you out like they did MSE.
    Be a Lion and stand up about it. Do Not let some religious fucktard get away with their goal of making Kindle "A Place where everyone knows and worships God and follows all His commandments and also every thing I personally know is also what god commands because...its what God commands.

    The Cyclic nature of idiots trying to make themselves better is astounding and also very heartrending.

    Make a complaint to Amazon as quick as possible. Dont let the jackass who started it to have time to come back into the office.

  2. oh and I found this book...

    So if someone tries to remove your books for being "erotica" then would point out actual Erotica books. I would love to see them also remove all the book I posted. I'm pretty sure that removing that would be an Anti gay thing and amazon lawyers would quit in droves rather than try to fight that.

  3. Its probably the burn marks in the title. They look a lot like nipples.


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