Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone

I want to thank you all for making this a good year for me. I'd also like to let you all know that book #5 (When It Falls) is finished, and I'm in the process of doing the re-write and looking for grammar and other issues. The Beta readers all have it, and I hope they have the time to get back to me in a few days, with the holidays and all of that.

I need to do a minor re-write on a couple of scenes, I'll hopefully get to that tomorrow, as today will be too busy with company and making dinner (I'm the cook in the house and I make a lot for the holidays). The plan is to release it on the 28th. It won't be in pre-release for the simple reason that they lock the book down three days prior to release, and honestly I suspect I'll not be hearing back from my Beta readers until the 27th because of the holidays.

There will be a book #6, there's just way too much going on for there not to be.

Once book #6 is in the can, I will sit down and plot out the next arc in the story. I don't know if it'll be called 'The Valens Legacy' or if I'll give it a slightly different name, I don't even know how many books that arc will be, but it will continue on the story, as Sean and his wives move on to the next obvious goal.

I'm also hoping to write some side stories, I don't know if they'll be shorts, or if they'll be novella's. I have to see how the storyboarding goes for the next arc, and what the scheduling looks like, but I would really like to write a story for each of the girls, showing just how they got to where they are. There is a lot of back story on all of them. But most of it's either in my head or in the story bible and my notes. I think some of you would enjoy learning more about them.

So again, thank you for your patronage, I am humbled by how much you all like my stories.


  1. Thanks I’ve just started reading your books and lm really enjoying them. I am anxiously waiting for book 5. Going to go to amazon now to get shadow to hold me till ( When it Falls ) comes out. One complaint though once I start reading these it’s hard to put it down and go to bed.

  2. I'm glad I won't have to wait a week and can get it directly on the 28th. If you're super worried about parts of the book, you can do what Archbrad did and upload a re-edited version that your readers can download for free.

  3. I will wait! Thanks for giving us update Jan.

  4. Thank you for update.
    Patiently awaiting.

  5. Woo update an a possible reveal that your going to make the girls storys woo
    Ps if you ever want to make this an audiobook I volunteer as tribute.

    1. Podium press has the audio book contract. They're supposed to start producing them next month, I don't know when they'll be released yet. (that's the current books, not any future ones).
      If the current ones do well, I'm sure they'll want to do all the future ones too.

    2. Currently reading your 4th book and so far loving it!

      Can't wait to order the 5th one once it's out in paperback!!

      Again thank you for giving classical readers like me this option and wish you continued success with your writing!!

  6. Awesome. I can't wait for the new book!


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