Thursday, December 28, 2017

Release Delayed until next week

All, as much as I wanted to get this out, today, there are a few issues that occurred which are going to hold up release until next week. I apologize for it, it's my fault. The book itself is finished, the cover is almost complete, but the holidays have created a few delays and I should have realized that would be the case and taken it into account earlier than I did.

I really hate doing this to you and making everyone wait until next week. I apologize. Sometimes unexpected events happen.


  1. All great things come to he who waits.

  2. I just appreciate the fact that you are providing me entertaining stories. Thank you for your work.

  3. Now clearly the next thing Sean needs to invent is magical time machine using faerie magic so we can still get the book today;)

  4. thanks for the update, finally an author that doesn't ignore his fans except when they're taking money.
    Now the only thing I have a problem with is searching for the series on amazon since apparently there's one called "Valens of Legacy".

  5. Thanks for the update!

  6. Soo I figure Tuesday at the earliest ?

    1. I'm hoping by Wednesday. I'll post here as soon as I know. I'd say to check in later in the day on Tuesday, and if I know anything I'll post.


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