Tuesday, April 24, 2018

So today has really been a struggle

I thought a few days ago that I'd sign up for bookbub, and get an author's account there.
Well apparently the rules have changed, because they will not approve you, unless you have a facebook or twitter account.
I have neither, and so they refused me.

So, I created a twitter account. Then I go back to bookbub, and guess what? You have to give them the password to your twitter account. Gee, nice guys. Sixty seconds after I do that, the twitter account is suspended for 'automated activities.' I try to appeal that, but you have to give them your cellphone number. WTF? why do they need my cellphone number? They want to send me a text? Well, professionally I only have a landline. But that's not good enough.

So yeah, twitter account is suspended after one tweet, and bookbub account won't be confirmed obviously.

Then I say screw it and go work on the bass I'm building. It's time to start polishing out the finish so I can start building it. Problem is, a one inch piece of finish, right down to the wood, came off in a highly visible spot. Obviously there was some contamination in the body I got. Ideally you're supposed to sand the entire piece back to bare wood and start over from scratch (about a weeks worth of work). Yeah, this is a hobby, I'll throw it out and buy a new piece before I do that.
So, I had to sand that spot down to bare wood, an then into the wood a bit, because nothing would stick. Obviously it was contaminated, and whatever it was rose to the surface while the finish was curing. I may have saved it, I won't know until I get a few more coats of finish on the small area I taped off and start to sand it. If it comes off again, well, that's a waste of four hundred dollars and a week of work. I'll probably trash it and buy a new body.

So yeah, today hasn't been going very well. I just hope everyone likes the new book and it sells well. It would be nice to have something to cheer me up after I get back home from practice this evening.


  1. Cheer up!
    I just bought your book. Just think of all those dollar bills steadily filling your bank account.

    P.S.: don't forget to order some fried chicken and mild spicy deep for it, vegies are optional.

  2. Bought "Vegas Rules" 2 nights ago. Read it straight through the first night. Then read it again the next day (I hit about 2000+ wpm when really engrossed in a story.) Loved the book! Love the whole series!!

    I love wood woorking, but it can be exasperating at times. Finishes go wrong, undetected flaws in the wood, warps in the wood appearing overnight. All sorts of things to go wrong.

    I spent 2 months building my wife a new bed from cedar (3/4" x 11" true planks). Measured and fit for a queen sized mattress. We used it for a year. Now she wants to go to a King sized mattress and wants me to resize the bed. Not happening! Going to have to build a whole new bed!

    Good luck with the bass. Hope it all works out.


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