Sunday, September 16, 2018

A Quick Update on Book Ten: It Ain't Easy

Hi all. I apologize for how long book #10 is taking to get out. With the move, I've been running back and forth to Texas a LOT and I've had a large number of other things I've had to deal with in the last two months as well. Plus this weekend I went to the Reno Air Races, my one vacation each year.

Book #10 is now titled: It Ain't Easy
I've submitted the cover details to my artist and the book is almost complete. I probably have another five or so thousand words to finish it. I'll then to do the rewrite and send it to my editor. As I have very little to do this week (it's the final week of the long drawn out move and we hired movers for this part), I'm hopeful that the book will be completed before we leave here for the final time.

So again, I'm sorry it's late, I'm sorry I haven't been around here as much as I normally am, it's just that I've been incredibly busy and have been doing a lot of traveling. Moving 1800 miles is not all that easy.

Thanks for your patience!


  1. I was just about to post asking about when the book is coming out so i appreciate the update :)
    Crossing my fingers for a smooth release this month then!

  2. Hey I'm just happy your working on it still ill admit I'd if I could if I was moving that far lol so yay can't wait for the next book also have you heard anything from MSE last I heard was from his newsletter at the beginning of August that was going to be coming back but then nothing :( you two are my favorite authors and want ya both back lol

    1. There are people actively sabotaging MSE's return to Amazon, who have been using his announcements to file complaints with Amazon.
      So he has stopped making any announcements at all. I know he's working on some sort of return, but beyond that I don't know anything.

    2. Is it usual for (people) to sabotage someones livelihood like that? Is it jealously or what? Or is it to sell more of their books? (I assume they are other writers).

    3. All of the above, and yes, it happens.

    4. If it's other authors would you happen to have evidence as to who? I'd really rather not give money to people like that if I can at all avoid it.

    5. No, I have no evidence or even suspicions as to who the people doing this are. I'm just going by what was passed on to me.

    6. Who is MSE?
      BTW, the sort of mean-spirited folks that want to sabotage a writer like that can only be Christians ;)

  3. Hey john, if you do find any evidence will you tell us? MSE stopped updating the facebook group and ive had to step away from the genre completely (besides you) just so i dont accidentally help his enemies.

    1. Sure. I myself am waiting to read several of his books still, because I'm a fan of his writing as well.


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