Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Prints - Remember when I mentioned I was having some done?

Back before the move started I had commissioned a set of pictures of each of Sean's wives. I was thinking of selling them as a set of say 5x8 prints. Is anyone at all interested in such a thing? Or these in a different format?

As prints they were looking about a dollar a piece plus shipping and handling.
I could go smaller sizes, larger sizes, etc. The only problem of course is I have to order at least 50 or each (which would be 300 with all six).

If there is an interest, I'd like to know which size would be most popular, then I'd either sell them here, or do a kickstarter, this way I'd be guaranteed at least enough orders for a minimum order.
As for what the pictures look like, well here's all of them stuck together in a low res print:


  1. I'd be interested. Besides the individual 5x8, you might want to consider a full-sized poster version of the low-res print.

    1. I agree with a poster idea. Would put it up on the wall.

    2. A Poster of the image above? With all six?
      I could probably do that. I need to do some research.

    3. I'd like a poster of all of them together too. Maybe a 24x36?

  2. How would I go about buying one (or all) of them when I live on the other side of the atlantic?

  3. Why dont u sell it on amazon cause jamie Hawke did as shirt for his his super heroes ex series and I totally bought it ... and just a suggestion it would be nice get a poster with all the wives on it like the picture above ...and some might just want the one of the would be awesome if a shirt was ever done ...

  4. I'd go for a 5x8 of each.

  5. I'd be interested in a poster of all six as well

  6. I'm all for the 5x8 of each of them!

  7. Have you considered something like / ? Where you could set up all pics you have and the person could just pick the one they want and size from 4x4 to 20x30?|1|I|whats-hot|||gift They even have combo pics!/pdpview if you can set a store and put yours there, people can pick what they want and size, snapfish prints and ships, and you get paid without having to do anything else like orders. I know there are many others that do this I just picked snapfish because I saw it first.

    Just an idea I do like your stories, covers and pics, have you thought of doing ones with the shifters that show human and shifter form together of each person individually? Like the pics above you have but with the fox and cheetah form add maybe a smaller inset into that pic showing the same pose in human form and adding the characters name and maybe bio in one corner or bottom.

    Ill admit as a disabled vet I use kindle unlimited cause moneys tight so I have never bought you books outright but usually wait till 2 or 3 I haven’t read are out then download the whole series again through KU to reread along with the new ones. That way I don’t forget anything and gives you a little more support per book.

    Thanks for the great stories and entertainment.

  8. Make a deck of cards

  9. I like the idea of purchasing prints, I would buy certain individual if that was the format, or a whole poster if it was that format.

  10. I would be interested in a poster featuring all six, but I'd really like hi res digital pics. I might order a 5x8 or two depending on cost and s&h.

  11. I'd love to order all six 5x8 prints when you do get them, who doesn't love a good pinup?


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