Monday, April 1, 2019

So, in case you hadn't heard....

I've filed a lawsuit in US Federal Court against the guy running that pirate site.
Or rather my lawyer has filed it. I've found out why nobody else has sued him, it's because it costs a hell of a lot of money. Litigation is very expensive.

Why did I do it? Because he's a scumbag and somebody had to. He's ripping me off and when I sent him a Cease and Desist as well as a DMCA take down, he refused. After my lawyer sent him one, he just put up more of my books. Oh, and he's making money off of his pirate site. He even bought himself an airplane. And he's rude and nasty to the people who have been asking him to stop pirating their works. Because he knew those people didn't have the money to go after him.

Now of course, he's in hiding, because someone finally got tired of his bullshit.

I've got a gofundme running to help defray the legal costs, if you want to contribute:
Link -> 

I'm not crazy about having to do this, but the guy is actually hurting me, as well as a lot of other people. Everyone else kept talking about it, but I'm the guy who actually did it. The threats have started, people calling for me to be doxed or assaulted or murdered. About what you'd expect from the folks following a scumbag like him. I don't really expect anyone to really try to attack me, but some of the things people are saying is just flat out nuts.

On the other hand I'm getting a LOT of support from the people who this guy has been ripping off for years. One of the things that convinced me to act was this new author. On the pirate site he was a featured author with (apparently) tons of downloads. But on Amazon he was selling almost zero. That's right, new author puts out a book and this pirate totally rapes his sales and discourages him from continuing.

Also, I just can't stand bullies.


  1. Keep it up good luck

  2. Donated. Thank you for walking the extra mile on this for all authors.

  3. Replies
    1. This isn't against an author. This is against a big time pirate who has a very professional website where he posts and hosts illegal versions of thousands of books.

      He makes it sound like he has permission to have those books as well. Which of course gets people in trouble with Amazon.

      Further, he refuses to honor any cease and desist or DMCA notices. He solicits money using the pirated books to buy himself things like airplanes (I'm not kidding) and he goes on interviews and such to promote his site.

      He claims that everything he does is perfectly legal, and he's opposed to all copyright. In short, he thinks I shouldn't make money off of my books and my work, but he should.

    2. Oh no I didn't make myself clear I wanted to check out the authors books to see if I would like them as I am fast running out of stuff to read

    3. The guy running that website isn't an author.

    4. THE NEW AUTHOR THAT HAD - 0 - SALES ON AMAZON... he does NOT want the Pirate site douche.. he (and i) want the 4-1-1 oN ThE NeW AuThOr...

  4. What is the new author's name? ("One of the things that convinced me to act was this new author.")

  5. Keep it up! Don't let this ruin your mood and life though. I don't mean in terms of threats since they will do that anyway, but in terms of neglecting your life and work by letting your mood go down the shitter. Supported and i hope you will come out on top.

  6. You work hard for what you earn. You are doing the right thing trying to get what is rightfully yours.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What is the new author's name or book that was getting ripped off? I'll buy his book on amazon if it isn't too expensive. (By the way, I've already purchased all of The Valens Legacy series and liked them, keep up the good work.)

    1. I've been trying to find it, in everything that's been going on I lost his name so I'm searching through everything to locate it. I've asked some friends to help, cause he'd posted it on one of the forums I go to, but apparently the message got deleted.
      Been driving me crazy, cause it's from about 2 weeks ago.

  9. Noticed the Valens Legacy series is no longer available on Amazon. Did it get taken down? Love your books by the way! I always purchase them the instant you put them up!

    1. Looks like it's actually just the two most recent books

  10. Honestly applaud you for doing this! Only made a symbolic contribution myself, but so happy to see a lot of people support you in this endeavor. Still hope you will use your position to change people's minds about this being okay though, as to me that seems to be the bigger problem.

    Anyway, good luck with the lawsuit and hopefully don't stress out too much about it.

  11. I haven't read any of your books (yet) but I linked to your page from an author I do read a lot of (Michael Anderle). Out of curiosity I did a search of his name and several of the authors he co-writes with and from his publishing company he also runs (combined over 250 books). Once I saw the hits on the search I sent him a message in his FB group to your lawsuit and the site. Hopefully they touch base with you and help fuel the flames and bring these a$$hats to justice.

  12. Did you try contacting his IP to see if they would shut him down?


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