Thursday, March 28, 2019

Oh, gee, look at this...

Valen's Legacy #14 - Trying Times is now available on Amazon
Link --> Trying Times


  1. You are dispensable. I just found out about the book from a pirate site. So I came here see this. And I checked your blog earlier today too and there was nothing new here. Why would you do something this dumb to your customers.

    1. I uploaded it to Amazon this morning, and lately they've been taking 8 hours to publish. So when I came back inside from working in the yard a few hours later, I was shocked to see it had been published already.

      So the first thing I did was come here and put up a post saying it was available. I honestly thought it wouldn't be up until a lot later tonight.

      So you're saying a pirate site had it before I posted about it? That means they're one of the first two that bought it. Sheesh.

    2. And what's wrong with giving my readers the next book? Not sure I get that.

    3. Ignore stuff like this tbh. I frequent a pretty popular pirate site simply because they will have the books before Amazon, because Amazon does not do worldwide releases from what I can tell.

      Books will go up anywhere from 12ish hours to 3 hours in advance of the Amazon actually releasing it on the US, east coast. Short of you telling people when it's uploaded to Amazon, there's simply nothing you can do about it. Tbh, that's why I still frequent that site. Between the catalog that does a better job of presenting lots of books, and the faster releases, I find it easier to download the books, finish them, then preorder from Amazon (as they still haven't rolled out the release in many cases). This definitely happened with the most recent releases from Kel Kade and Will Wight. In your case, though it seems they only got it as soon as Amazon posted it.

      If anything I would be less worried about this, and more worried about why google searches of the book will only return your goodreads and this, instead of the actual amazon page. Also they haven't added books 13 or 14 to the series link in Amazon(nvm they just added 13 as I typed this out).

  2. Ok. Word fencing aside. My main point is that you could have posted something a couple of days ago to let us know that a new book by the title X would be available Thursday or Friday.

    I check your blog here almost every day. I should be finding release information from YOU! Not from pirate site.

    1. I've been under a lot of stress right now. I'm trying to deal with a pirate who is hurting me financially while making enough money off of me and others to live better than I do.

      My Mom went on hospice end of life care last week.

      I also had to deal with my taxes (always a headache), and a few other (less pressing) problems.

      I honestly haven't been keeping up with a lot of social media, including my blogs. I didn't expect the book to actually come out today. I've been afraid to mention when it might be done, because originally it was supposed to be done a week ago, but with all the stuff going on, it slipped, a lot.

      So when I got it back from my editor at like 7 this morning, I immediately sat down, reconciled the edit while reviewing it. Then uploaded it and went outside to do the house work that's been piling up for the last two weeks. I never expected it to be live before sunset, I was quite shocked to find out it was.

      So I'm sorry if this caught you unawares. Personally I found it to be kind of strange when I suddenly realized that the book was done and live on Amazon and I hadn't told anyone other than the folks on Patreon about it. Just been a rough month.

    2. Ok. I understand. Thank you for the book.

  3. Jeez, fuck that John Smith guy. What an ungrateful twat. Thank you so much for the new book =)

    Sorry you have to deal with this piracy bull. It's kind of a double edged sword if you try to raise awareness of it x.x
    I was going to go around the FB groups and let others know, but the downside would be others trying to find the pirate site...

    Either way, I wish you luck with this. And once again, fuck the ungrateful twat that is John Smith... How stupid do you have to be to be angry that a new Valens Legacy has dropped? I'm honestly stunned =(

    1. For real, it's like being mad at someone who gave you a birthday present >_<

    2. Sorry about the rant. Take some time off writing, and go spend the next few weeks with your mom. Be there, it's important.

  4. Thank you for getting this book out in trying times. I will get your stories from Amazon and no where else.This is not about saving money, this is about making sure we get another book in the series!

  5. Have a question, as fire seems to have an effect on the Djevels, how about tracers, molotov cocktails or napalm?

    1. Tracers don't work well at setting things on fire. Molotovs have been used in the past and probably will be used again. Flamethrowers became a two edged sword, the people wearing them got targeted.
      Napalm, Yup :-)
      Don't know if you finished the current book yet, but there is something like that used at one point. Eventually I'll probably even mention how it's made (soap flakes and gasoline - notice you can't find soap flakes in the store anymore...)

    2. Well they can also use white phosphorus. It's a pain i.t.a. to extinguish that.
      Also there are recipes for homemade Napalm (without soap flakes). But won't mention how it is made to keep you out if trouble with the FBI.
      And for the big gate they can drop a can of good old chlorinetrifloride on it. That stuff burns though everything. Wood, steel (if not specially treated), concrete, glass, sand, asbestos, water. The only thing that can help to protect you from it is a good pair of running shoes. (According to one scientist who worked with it)
      I won't drop a recipe here, because you have to be completely bonkers to work in it without professional equipment and a really good clue what you are doing.

  6. Thanks for #14! Nice read.

    Btw, any word on your Veilverse project?

    1. I'm still working on it. I wasn't happy with the way the plot was going, so I went back to the drawing board, so to say. I have some new ideas I'm going to mess around with this weekend.

    2. You're planning a Vielverse novel? That's cool! I just read all of William Arrand and most of Blaise Corvin this past month and loved it all.

      I missed this post yesterday surprisingly since this blog is one of my bookmarked pages that I usually a few times a day. I think it was because i was nose deep in Daniel Schinhofen's Alpha World book 1 yesterday. Anyway, I got it from KU first thing today and just finished. Great book!

  7. Thanks for the book just finished my second read through it was great. Can’t wait to see what happens next.

  8. I'm a unlimited reader and I hearing this. BS being done to u just sped up and put u on top of my unlimited authors I read and am slowly buying actual copies. And sorry 4 my hand in the pirating when I hit trying times and need my favorite author fix.

  9. Question. Spoilers past here for those that care.

    Sean’s new wife estrella is a lion. Roxy mentions at one point that lycan females become very devoted to their man once they settle on one. How will this work with sean and estrella beig lions and going to la la land? Will she stay devoted to him?

    Also, it mentions that lion lycan children dont remember who they are till like puberty. Does that mean she wouldnt pick a new man when she is old enough? Or is it more like one life she is with him but the next she will be with someone else? Just curious. Amazing character building, world building, and story. Every book has been unable to put down level reads. Normally by like book 5-6 most authors lose the abilty to keep it interesting and it becomes a slog till the end. Not valens though. I love your books so much i buy them then get the audio too!

    1. It was mentioned at one place in the story, might have been the previous book I think, that over time, because you're immortals, you drift apart, spend some time with someone else, and then eventually you get back together. I think it was mentioned when talking about the First and Keairra.

      So they drift apart eventually, but then they'll come back together, then drift part, then come back together, etc.

      And thank you for liking the books. Writing has always been a passion with me, so it means a lot to me that people like the stories and that I can do this for a living. As for keeping it fresh, it can be hard at times, but the enjoyment you and others get out of it makes it all worth while.

    2. Oh yeah. One of the books does say that. Instead of that im going to imagine they stay together forever. They saved each other and i would like their love to outlast continue from world to world. So ill just tell myself thats what happens lol.

      Thank you for always creating such good books.

    3. Honestly, it could very well go that way. I haven't written it yet, so I haven't had to think about it. It's still in the future for both me and the characters.

    4. Well i think it would be hard for them to always become lovers in life rather than la la land, Unlike mguvu and mtwala who are brothers and can be born as such. They cant be born as siblings without it being.... bad, gross, whatever you want to say. So they would have to be born at the same time and have tasks in the same area. Maybe her task could be to always protect the magic and technically genius enchanter and mage.

      Unlike all other lions he is the only lion mage. Perhaps she would need to always protect him. Again this is just my wishful thinking. Whatever happens im going to imagine them as lifelong partners.

  10. Got the book and read it in a single sitting, always a good sign :)

    Just one thing: the federal police in germany is not the FBI, they're not responsible for muder cases, even for ones crossing state-lines.
    They're more a hybrid of Secret Service - the money-protetion, not the people protection part - and border control. [VERY rough description!]

    1. Thanks. I know that they're set up a lot differently than here, and I know that they shuffled the way it worked about ten (I think?) years ago. But I was having the devil's own time trying to find out about it and I knew I was probably going to make mistakes with it, but every time I searched, I couldn't find anything specific about it. So I finally just gave up and took my best guess.

    2. The entire term "Police" is kinda misleading. They're not supposed to be a police force, coz the feds aren't supposed to have a police in the first place. That just kinda happend by accident.
      Originally, they were the border protection, mainly on the inner-german border (it was rude to have the military protect us against fellow Germans or something).
      The old name "Bundesgrenzschutz" literally translates as "federal border protection" and they were a paramilitary organisation leaning towards the military and less towards the para. But with a PR friendly face!
      Then it morphed, both because because the states didn't want to pay for some stuff and shuffled it off on what's called Bundespolizei since 2005 and because new crimes came up that nobody had formal jurisdiction over (nor IMHO any real interest in: internet crime across national borders exploded and it took ages for the politicians to notice). In addition, the Schengen Treaty made most boder protection superfluous (what's left is handled by the customs agency alone I believe) and of course the inner german border had ceased to exist quite a time ago.
      So today, the Bundespolizei has a hodepodge of 'leftover' responsibilities. They still protect borders - mainly at airports - but also police trains (best known when hooligans are on their way to the next soccer game today but again, historical it's about border crossers), fight crime coming from foreign countries (human trafficing, fraud, organized crime like the italian mafia or the infamous polish car thieves etc), protect federal buildings and whatnot.
      It's no wonder that you have such trouble to figure out what they do because it's genuinely hard to keep up with the changes and the namechange in 2005 probably doesn't help.

  11. I noticed that at the end of the book you listed Michael Scott Earle as a recommended author. Do you know if he has republished his books anywhere or if he is going to? I know hes not back on Amazon.

    1. MSE is still working at trying to resolve things with Amazon. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping he gets it worked out in his favor here soon, because I very much intend to bribe him to write Lion's Quest #3 (I really loved that series). I also need to get caught up in Star Justice.

  12. Loved the book Love the series was just wondering now that Sean has a 7th wife will we be seeing her print going on sale to go with the other 6

    1. No. I only sold one set of those prints, and maybe a couple of items on red bubble. I lost about two grand on that whole thing.

      If I do commission a picture of her, it'll solely be online, I won't bother trying to sell it.

  13. bummer I bought Daelyn, Cali, Roberta, and Jolene but I didn't get Roxy or Peg didn't really like them in just their lycan form would have bought them if they had been in human form or a mirror image back to back human and lycan. Sorry that no one bought any. but keep writing and I will keep reading also going to start collecting the Portal stories

    1. I'm thinking that I just tried giving people the wrong thing some how. Maybe I'll figure it out and do better next time.

  14. Just a heads up about a glitch (or something). You can search for Trying Times and your name to get the book to show up in amazon, but it is NOT currently showing up if I look at your author page, kindle listing, by publication date. Just wanted you to know.

    1. also it doesn't appear to be connected to the listing that shows all of the valens legacy books in order and the link you have at the top no longer works. It is now here:

    2. The paperbacks are still there. The ebooks are gone. No idea when they'll come back, could be days. Amazon screwed up and deleted a lot of new releases last night and now they can't figure out how to fix it. So sales on the last two books are going to tank.

    3. That sucks. The ONLY good thing is that it can still be searched for (and the link I left goes to it), but that definitely sucks.


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