Thursday, March 14, 2019

Pirates *sigh*

If you have downloaded my ebooks from anyplace other than Amazon, you have an illegal copy.

There is a site in a foreign country, that does not care about copyright law, with a large number of pirated books on it, including most of my catalogue. They try and make it look like what they're doing is legal (it isn't) and that they have permission (they don't). The guy running the website is a former politician and complete scumbag.

Unfortunately, the country involved doesn't give a damn about things like this, even if it is against the law. I'm sent him several legal notices, but he refuses to honor a single one.

So again, please don't download my books from anyplace other than Amazon. No one else has permission to sell my ebooks.

Dealing with this guy has pretty much left me unable to write all week. He'd been cutting into my income significantly. It's quite depressing that NO ONE will stop this man.


  1. Im very sorry that that is happening :( i love your books and only buy them from amazon. I hope there is some way for you to stop him from illegally selling your books.. Is there anything i can do to support you? Patreon or anything else? Ive already reviewed all of the books of yours i have on amazon and have them 5 stars

    1. If you live in Canada maybe call whoever is in charge of this stuff and ask them to put the guy in jail?

      Honestly, I've hired a lawyer, but I have no idea if they can do anything. They're looking into suing (because he didn't respond to notices from my lawyer). But Canada obviously doesn't give a shit about copyright abuse.

      This guy has been pirating a lot of big names and even they can't seem to get him shut down. It's pretty depressing. And the way he does his website, it makes it look like everything he does is legal, so I'm sure there are a lot of people going there who don't even realize that they're breaking the law.

    2. What's the site, man? I live in Canada and would be happy to send a direct email and/or report him to the RCMP or his internet provider

    3. I do not live in Canada sadly. I really hope your lawyers or anyone really, is able to bust this guys site so he stops stealing other peoples work/profit. Jail time is all he deserves... stealing profit is the same as stealing money from someone else.

    4. i know this is a serious conversation but i couldn't help myself.(sorry in advance)I hope your lawyer is lycan friendly.

  2. Here are a couple of independent Canadian authors I read. I bet they might know who to contact to deal with a Canadian pirate site. They also seem like people who would want to help a fellow author.

  3. I am very sorry this is happening to you. Have you considered putting a watermark that can be placed on every third page or so, and then amazon can clear the watermark, but if it is pirated it shows up? I do not know much about this method, but just brain storming here. I understand someone hurting your cash flow has GOT TO BE STOPPED.

  4. Is there any way I can help I love your books and only get them off Amazon and audible

    1. I honestly don't know at this time. Maybe write a letter to a Canadian newspaper or Television station and ask why Canada tolerates pirates?
      This guy is actually bragging about what he's doing to news sites out there.

  5. Ugh, that sucks. But, on the bright side, that pushed me over the top and because of this post I went and created a Patreon account and subscribed to your Patreon. (It's not much, but hopefully every little bit helps...)

    1. Thank you. I do appreciate the help.

    2. Please join subscribestar as well for those of us who wont use that platform on principle. Patreon wont keep going as it is now for much longer anyway since its not sustainable.

    3. Lestibournes - I'm planning on doing it. Probably after I finish this book.

  6. Personally I am pretty strongly anti-piracy, but frankly unless we completely overhaul the legal system it's here to stay. To be honest, I would be surprised if even you yourself didn't pirate a movie, song or ad-supported website (by using an ad blocker) at some point. It's absolutely not okay and it sucks when you experience it, but at the end of the day it's not worth losing sleep over.

    Best thing I believe is to strongly condemn friends and people around you who pirate movies or use ad blockers, as that's a way you can actually slowly make a difference. Taking down one site will just cause another site to pop up without the real problem changing: consumers thinking digital things have zero cost. Movies don't make themselves, news articles, blogs and books don't write themselves and music doesn't compose itself. Obviously.

    Anyway, just know that as readers we care and as a fellow digital 'producer' I know the pain.

    1. "Feel your pain" was the expression I was looking for. Sorry, English is my third language �� .

  7. I don't know if this will work but it might be worth it to try and look up the internet provider of his site and messaging them about the situation. It is possible that they might kill his site for you, as most internet providers would rather not be involved in that kind of thing do to possible legal liability.

    1. The site hosting him is famous for child porn and neo-nazi's and the like. They could care less.
      (So yeah, I tried that route already).

  8. Keep your chin up buddy, Love your stuff.

  9. Are MSE books on the site love to reread death ship


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