Friday, March 1, 2019

Book #13, Simple Things is now live

Book #13 in the Valens Legacy series is not live on Amazon!

Simple Things


  1. If you dont mind me asking, do you plan on releasing another Portals of Infinity this year? Or is it still on the back burner?

    1. I'm working on the plot for that right now while I write #14
      I definitely want to release at least one POI book this year, if not two.

    2. Awesome! Love both series but have been wanting another POI cant wait to read it.

    3. I read POI last year. I didn't realize that the same author wrote Valens until after I finished reading the Valens Legacy in late January. I will definitely look forward to more POI books.

  2. So I'm finished. Wheres 14? And I have a question about grammar, not to be rude at all just an honest question?

  3. "Book #13 in the Valens Legacy series is not live on Amazon!"

    "not live" is different than "now live". :twisted:

    Good read! :grin:


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