Thursday, March 7, 2019

Pre-Order for Publisher Pack 6 (Books 11 & 12) on Audible!

That's right, the Pre-Order for Publisher Pack #6 of the audiobook version of the Valens Legacy is now available on Audible. Release day is April 9th.

Linky --> The Valens Legacy: Publisher's Pack 6


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I know of at least one KU author that put in a ticket in hopes of not getting accused of breaking the exclusive agreement relative to distributing elsewhere.

      Oh! The money scam is paying $260 to send a DCMA to the ISP? Heard it doesn't work.

    2. Yes, i'm familiar with this crook. I have sent him a DMCA notice and he didn't honor it. A number of tradpub authors are supposedly after him, but so far nothing.
      I'm going to have to contact my lawyer on Monday and start a civil action against him I guess.

    3. Oh, I'll be deleting this comment in a while because I don't want that URL up

    4. Deleting is a good thing. This should be Amazon's problem not the authors. Just glad to know it's a known issue.

  2. Man, i gotta say. I love valens legacy and how you have kept it so fresh and satisfying to read for 13 books is both a gift and amazing. Please keep up the good work. Many other authors let either the story or the characters get stale and it lessens their work. So far, valens legacy has not done that at all.

  3. I can see this series extended in an ongoing conflict in the Demon Dimension. The odd physics of selected chemistry can lead to some seriously cool steam-punk adaptations of modern tech and magic. I know you haven't decided where to go after this current story arc, John. I do hope you consider some of the possibilities. The possibilities your story has enabled is quite interesting.

    Btw, please consider anything I write on this forum to be non-proprietary. Feel free to use any ideas posted by me as you see fit.


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