Monday, June 29, 2020

I'm curious...

Okay, time for another question on things that your humble author/narrator is curious about.
What book that I have written would you want a nice (leatherbound) copy of?


  1. Complete three or four volume set of all of the Valens books and extras (wife stories) with full color pages of the cover art beginning each book in the volume. If you are going leather than go all out! I'm sure that would cost quite a bit but one can always wish. Oh and it must, must, MUST include one of those nifty fabric strips for a bookmark! Something to keep me from dog-earing the pages of an expensive book!

    1. Same here, but I would like you to do the same with the Portals of infinity as well.

  2. If you have to choose one it would be Shadow.

  3. For a single book, I am compelled to say Black Friday. The sheer joy I experienced discovering your characters and intriguing world led me to read, and subsequently re-read the full series two or three times and it all started there.

  4. I think shadow would be my first pick. The valens legacy series was great for the most part. But shadow was great till the end and there is only one full book.

  5. I gave up my books for ebooks several years ago, Library was at 11k books and when I got married could have my library or my wife and her stuff, so N/A for a physical copy.


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