Saturday, June 6, 2020

More Questions!

I thought I'd post a few questions here, one every week or so, to get people's minds off of things. Originally it was just cause I figured people were bored at home. But then things got crazy the other week and I just really didn't want to get lost in that mess. Plus as I have mentioned elsewhere, my Mother passed. (It wasn't unexpected, and no it wasn't Covid either).

So now that I've put a little time between me and then I thought I'd start asking some questions, just out of curiosity. Here's this week's:

Out of the books of mine you've read, Who is your favorite character?


  1. Roxy for sure, without her Sean would never have gotten anything done ;)

  2. Not 100% sure yet, but I'm enjoying Breck. The info he gives at the end the Take Two adds a new layer to the character that I'm looking forward to seeing develop.

  3. Shadow or sean. I like the very protective of women type personality. I personally think there are 2 primary male instincts, to dominate, and to protect. Different men have different amounts of each.

  4. Shadow or sean. I like the very protective of women type personality. I personally think there are 2 primary male instincts, to dominate, and to protect. Different men have different amounts of each.


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