Friday, November 30, 2018

Sets of 6 prints are now for sales

Okay, remember when I said I was going to sell sets of six prints, one of each of Sean's wives?
Well, they're ready. I've got them sorted, bagged, and set for mailing. Each set contains all six of the images below, on glossy stock, 5 1/2 inches by 8 1/2 inches. The price is $40 (US) and that includes shipping to anywhere in the USA. Outside of the USA may cost more.

Money can be paid to me via paypal (vanstry at snowcloude dot com) make sure to include your address. Quantities are limited, so if you really want a set, don't hesitate. If you live outside of the USA, send me an email (stryvant at gmail dot com) with your address and I'll find out if shipping will affect the price.

As a reminder, here are each of the pictures in the pack.
If you'd prefer other items with these pictures (but minus the colored background) remember that I have an account now on redbubble that you can also peruse: Click here for Red Bubble offerings )


  1. Hey! That's awesome! Any idea when Demon Days is coming out? I really look forward to that!


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