Thursday, November 1, 2018

Valens #11, Red Skies, almost done

It's a couple of hundred words from being completed. Then I'll spend a day or two on the re-write and send it off to the editor. Cover art is being worked on as we speak. So with any luck it should be released by next Friday.

Then it's on to the next one!


  1. I wish all authors was this fast while still making quality! Keep up the good work.

  2. I have to tell you I usually only do audio books I drive for a living so but I'm going to get all your books on hard copy if I can this is one of the first series that's actually been engaging enough to where I can listen to them several times back to back without getting bored

  3. Glad to hear it. I really appreciate how quickly you've been releasing lately. This is one of my absolute favorite series.

  4. So, these red skies, are they in the morning or at night? Because, you know....sailors.


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