Friday, May 3, 2019

Yeah that guy is back again...

One of the ways you know that you're successful, I guess, is that everyone wants to rip you off. The guy that tried that last time is back, under a new pen name, and thankfully this time he at least changed enough stuff that I can't take legal action (I hate having to do that, honestly).

But I sort of feel sorry for the guy. Now I know to a lot of you it might seem kind of strange that I feel sorry for a guy who is ripping me off, but as I read through the book I realized that here is this guy who wants to be a writer, and he hasn't got the slightest bit of creativity in him. 

None. Nada. Zilch. He -has- to rip off other people's ideas because he can -not- come up with them on his own. He took stuff out of my story (again, not enough to sue over I'm sure, but still obvious) that he had no understanding of why it was there, and it shows that he really has no idea at all what he's doing. He's just copying and trying to change enough not to get sued.

When I started reading it, I kinda hoped it would hare off into its own thing, with his own take on stuff, but except for the sex scenes, it very much stuck to the general plan of my story. He passed up so many chances to do things differently, which tells me that he has no idea what he's doing, he has no creative spark, no art in his soul, nothing.

Yes, he'll put out a bunch of books like mine, they'll probably sell a bunch because the market is always hungry for more, and then he'll either look for someone else to copy or the fans will realize he's just mailing it in and ripping it all off from other people. Which is probably why he uses pen names and won't write under his own name, in the hope that his reputation won't catch up with him.
But really. It's just sad.


  1. Sooo...i found him am i scum for wanting to read this and comparing. But really im exactly the people you described.

    1. Go ahead and read it, I don't mind. It just could have been so much better if he'd done something different.

    2. I'm somehow curious about whom you are talking about.

    3. he popped up in my might likes cuz of styvant his summary shows he has no creativity it basically outlines vallens humble beginnings while slapping you with its a harem you will find him easy

  2. It is said that imitation is a form of flattery, but sometimes that goes too far. As long as it does not deter you from writing, then he truly does not win. Thank you for continuing with your literary spark.

  3. Im sorry these things keep happening. But at the same time im happy that youre now a popular enough writer with a series good enough to have people copy it. Im just sorry it probably affects your sales some.

    1. It's not going to effect my sales, so I'm not really worried about it. It's just sad that he couldn't do something new and different with it.

    2. Doing something new and different takes talent, something he lacks, along with honour, integrity, and class.

  4. I kinda understand what you said, I keep getting tangential ideas from the books you or other authors write but putting pen to paper is quite different...

  5. Stryvant my guy another author i bought made an omnibus but the kicker its an omnibus of the omnibus i bought please dont do that to me :<

  6. so does the first name start with H and the last start with N and the book is a wolf with magic? if so yep I found it too.

    1. Me too... At first when I started reading it, it seemed really familiar but when I read this post, it struck me how familiar it was

    2. I read it and yes there are plenty similarities. But a lot of it is available in other books and honestly I don't think it is close enough to Styvant's work to be considered a infringement. I will say it does not reach near the quality of Styvant's work but I respect anyone who writes a novels worth of words telling a story.


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