Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. The turkey is in the oven, and my guests are on the way over. In a few hours I'll have to get to work on the side dishes. But for the next hour, I think I'm just gonna veg and maybe play No Man's Sky.

Have a good day everyone, and know that I'm thankful for all of you.

-Jan Stryvant


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, even though we don't have it here in the UK and I am not totally 100% sure what it is.

    1. Well, it's honestly a holiday about giving thanks for bountiful harvest, that came about when the Plymouth colony got rid of their collectivist society and embraced a more capitalistic one.
      They literally went from starving to having a huge bounty, and they had a big party and invited their Indian friends (who had been teaching them better farming methods) over to share their prosperity.
      They don't teach that much in school here anymore either. But it's pretty much just an American thing.

    2. Thanksgiving is a day set aside to give thanks for anything really. Colonial governors used to declare a thanksgiving almost yearly for different reasons (harvest, survival, colony needed a day off to blow off steam), and on different days for each colony or state. According to a booklet on the Constitution I once had the current national repeating Thanksgiving we observe in the US was actually set up to give thanks that the Constitution was signed and ratified, not as a remembrance of the first Thanksgiving. Which makes perfect sense, why celebrate the survival of a few colonists who were still under the Kings rule when you could celebrate the many thousands who decided to be free of it.

  2. Wondering if there is any update on 'When it falls'?

    1. I'm working on it, it's about 2/3rds done. I'm a bit behind schedule as I was hoping to have the first draft finished today (Friday, the 14th). With any luck (which means no interruptions, kinda hard to count on this time of year) I will be done with the first draft Wednesday, so I'm not sure if it will be out before Christmas (25th) or after. But it will be out before the end of the year.

  3. After your email telling me that the 4th book is now out in paperback, I went to the amazon site to purchase, but it still only shows the kindle option.

    Is the paperback on another website or am I maybe jumping the gun to get it?

    1. Sometimes it takes a while for Amazon to link the paperback to the ebook.
      This should link to it:


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