Monday, August 26, 2019


Okay, it appears that it is finally moving into publishing.
I have a link, but it's not live yet. I need to stop watching this like a hawk and try and get some work done, but here's the link (which isn't working yet so try and be patient):

I think that will be the correct link. Hopefully I'm not wrong and it's active soon.


  1. Still can't get it :( says title not available in my country/region: United States due to copyright restrictions

  2. got it... was worried we were about to do another mse cipriano ban.

    That said... you really should not make your books only available on amazon's store front. unless other store fronts are charging you to make your content available through them. I think you have a big enough readership that we will go where ever we need to go to get our fix

    1. Two thirds of my readers are in KU unlimited and the majority of those won't pay full price. They won't even pay the previous 3.99 or 2.99 price.

      The other booksellers sell maybe two or three copies, combined, a month. No one shops at B&N, Kobo, or Smashwords anymore. Just Amazon.

      The last time I pulled out of KU, I got enough people buying the book that I made the same amount income wise, but I got a lot of complaints from people who 'could not afford' to pay for it. Some of those people I know honestly couldn't because they were living on retirement income, or some other form of fixed income.
      And if I want to be in KU, I can only sell on Amazon.
      So I'm just sort of stuck here.

    2. I usually buy from Smashwords if I can get away with it, or with people like Thomas Deprima and some others I buy the books straight from their websites.

      For me it's mostly a question of using the option that gets the most money to the author.

      Also I can't use KU as Amazon still haven't implemented it in Denmark, and I refuse to jump through hoops to get it to work.

      Whatever option works best for you I'll buy the books regardless though.

  3. I got mine now, had to go through the link you posted, couldn't find it under your author page or by searching for the title

  4. got it thanks a oh GREAT and GRAND ONE

  5. I found it by searching on Title and Author

  6. Loved the book! I just blazed through it! Man I hope the next book comes soon!

  7. Finished It! What A Read!

    So, when's the next one? :wink:

  8. Hi, thanks for another great book. I was wondering what would be the next arc after this? After they conquer that particular portion of the world, would they try to eliminate the remaining djevels or something? Also, would there be a story arc were Sawyer asks for Sean's help on the Goblin world? Would they ever go to the Dark Elf world and officially establish their house or something? Or the world of the fairies? Just curious, because if they can safely control the gates on the deamon world a lot of possibilities open up.

    1. This arc, and the series is going to wrap up in the next book.

      However, after I take care of a few things, and take a break by writing another (short) series, I'm hoping to come back to this and write a follow on series.

      Also, I'm probably going to drop some short stories in the intervening time, and I may even drop a 'one off' novel that won't be part of this series or the next one. It'll take place after the next book and have many of the same characters.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Damnit! I've BEEN IN blackhawks!! How the hell did I miss that? Shit, now I'm -really- embarrassed!
      Probably because most of my rides in helo's were in huey's, but still... arg!!!! And my editor knows blackhawks better than I do and she missed it as well!
      Double Arrrrrgh!!!

  10. Finally got it, but since I am rereading the series I will eventually get to it

  11. Heh. I tried to buy it. It said I bought it. Delivery is stuck on sending and it doesn't show up in my content. Tried twice,
    after a few hours, same thing.


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